Seesaw: My Classroom Game Changer!

     Parent/Classroom communication had been somewhat of a struggle in our classroom over the years...  We sent weekly (paper) newsletters and posted them on our school's internal website, sent emails, sent work home often, you name it.  Still there were families who felt they needed more.  Then last year, my soon-to-be co-teacher was shown something by our head of school.  SEESAW!  She showed it to me and I knew right away this would be the total game changer for our classroom.  My then co-teacher and I implemented it immediately!  The response was POSITIVELY overwhelming!  We started out with the free Seesaw, but quickly purchased Seesaw for Schools for Grades 2-5.  Our Middle School and "Specials" (PE, Music, World Languages, Art, Drama) classes now use it and we're working on getting K-1 on board too.  Our school happens to be 1:1 iPads, but Seesaw is meant for schools with all types of technology access!

     Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that allows the students to directly communicate/document their learning to their families and teachers in an absolutely safe space.   Parents now get to see what their child is doing in real-time presented by their child!  Even grandparents and other family members can sign up if they have the child's code!  It has been so sweet to see the grandparents living out of state commenting on their grandchild's work :)

Click HERE to see an example of one of my student's math work!  
This was a math lesson about metric and nonstandard measurement.

Click HERE to see an example of one of my student's reflections 
about her Passion Project progress.

Click HERE to see an example of a video created by two of my students
to explain equivalent fractions. 

Click HERE to see a video one of my students made about multiplication.

     Teacher benefits?...  A TON!!  We were able to lose the weekly newsletters that were consuming A LOT of our time on Fridays (sometimes weekends if we didn't get to it on Friday)!  We are able to assess them in more authentic ways in addition to standards-based.  We are able to give meaningful feedback on their work.  We could easily use a safe Seesaw blog connected to our class, but I haven't done that yet.  We can comment on other teacher's classes if we are co-teachers on their accounts.  With Seesaw for Schools, our head of school and all admin with access can see what the kids are doing without leaving their office and can comment on the kids work!  We can see which parents view the work.  The kids can constructively comment on each other's work (if you turn that feature on).  These are just a few of the amazing things that Seesaw has helped us improve in our class!  This blog post does not do full justice to all the incredible features Seesaw has to offer!!

Scan this code to get a free month of Seesaw Plus!

Click HERE for more information about features and pricing!

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