My Classroom

LOVE being creative, especially in planning my curriculum! I've been teaching 2nd and 3rd grades since 2003. thrive on collaborating with other teachers to create lessons and experiences for my students that empower them to be life-long learners.

Our family is settled in Asheville, NC where I have been teaching 2nd grade at Carolina Day School since 2017! We moved from Champaign, IL where I had been teaching at Countryside School in the 2/3 Classroom from 2008-2017. I taught 2nd grade there for eight years, and then moved up to teaching the 3rd grade. Before that, I taught 3rd grade at St. Andrew's Episcopal School in New Orleans, LA. I absolutely love this age group and all the adventures it leads us on!

My Classroom Pics

My former co-teacher and I embarked on transforming our classroom into a flexible learning environment for the 2016-2017 school year.  This was my first time designing a flexible learning classroom, and I have to say I was really in love with the design & opportunities it afforded our scholars (and teachers)!


My current school embraces flexible seating as well! 
Here are a few pictures of my classroom!