Reading Writing Workshop: Tricks & Tips (FREEBIE INCLUDED!)

     I've always loved teaching math.  Writing on the other hand has been fun, but I've felt like it's a subject where I could find a better way to teach it thus making it more enjoyable.  My former co-teacher and I put a lot of research, time, love, blood, sweat, and tears into creating a spelling/grammar program, but we still didn't feel like it fully reached a solution that worked for the kids.  Then we were separated to two different classrooms and I got a new co-teacher!  My new co-teacher and I continued to develop a program to meet the needs of our kids, but something was definitely missing.

     Then the 'AHA' moment!!  She randomly came across Jen Bengel's shop and after investigating it we were SOLD!  We watched her webinar entitled "Managing Best Practice Reading and Writing Workshops" and knew we were on to something fantastic and implemented it immediately!  We've since bought all of Jen's Reading/Writing Units of Study and her Spelling program for 2nd and 3rd Grades.  We also really liked what Amber wrote on her blog about how her school handles Spelling.  In regards to grammar, I really liked Little Red Writing House's resources for my 3rd graders.  And so...  Below is a break-down of what we use and how I implement it in my Reading Writing Workshop (RWW)!

     My 3rd graders keep a Language Journal (composition notebook), meant to be a one-stop-resource while they write.  The journal has five sections (adapted from Jen's notebooks): Grammar, Word Study (Spelling Skills), Mini-Lessons, Planting Seeds, & Writer's Talks.

Reading (M-Th 9:40 - 10:25):  We use Jen's units, but adapt them a little for the time we have in class.  We keep the general structure the same, but we've combined two or three lessons if necessary.  In the past, I've split my students into two or three reading groups to do a book study.  The units we've had since discovering Jen haven't really lent themselves to doing book groups, but I would consider doing it in the future.  

Spelling Skills (M 12:05 - 12:45 & F 9:40 - 10:25):  We use Jen's units for these in addition to a high frequency word list.  My 3rd graders all participate in a general Spelling lesson on Monday.  Then each child chooses 7 words from the lesson and 7 high frequency words to learn for their test on Friday.  I also have some really gifted spellers who've surpassed the high frequency words and I give them challenging words to choose from.  The kids make their word list to keep at school and also write their word list in their assignment notebooks each week.  Homework each week is to pick at least one activity from Southern Fried Teachin's monthly Spelling Choice Board and use their words to complete it.  They can do multiple activities each week for additional points.  I also have a section (Word Work) in their Language Journal for them to write a few of their spelling words they'd like to use in their writing.  They also record the skill topics in that month under the "Skills" heading.  On Friday, the kids work in partners to test each other.  I have to admit this made my stomach tense at first, but honestly - I LOVE IT now!!  I definitely walk around to monitor them, but I haven't seen any cheating and the kids seem more relaxed while still taking the test seriously.

This is IMPORTANT -- Any words they spell incorrectly will go on the following week's test in their "My Other Words" section.  I absolutely LOVE this because it reinforces the words they need to practice.  It also solves the problem of "What happens to the words they get wrong on the test?" by having them continue to study it until spelled correctly.  It used to be presumed they would get it in other ways.  I find this new method to be so much better!

Click HERE for the above FREE resource!

Writing (M-F different times):  For my grammar lessons, I use Little Red Writing House's 3rd Grade Interactive Notebook resources.  For all other writing lessons, I use Jen's lessons that go along with the Reading unit we are studying.

PLEASE feel free to email me if you'd like more advice about how to implement this in your classroom!  Finding new ways to teach is so exciting!!

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