STEM Challenge: Build a Bird Nest

STEM Challenge: Building bird nests with natural and man-made materials!

     In looking for a way to revamp my birds unit, I came across some STEM challenges that looked fun and engaging for my 2nd & 3rd grade scientists!  This year's curriculum (we're on a 2-year rotation) lends itself to A LOT of hands-on building.  I bought some moss and the kids could pick from other natural materials outside our classroom.  They could also use man-made items from in the classroom.  We studied different types of birds' nests by watching a YouTube video and looking at various pictures.  We also looked at wacky places birds nest in this YouTube video.  Then we were off to work!  The kids were partnered a 2nd with a 3rd grader.  After creating the nests and testing them (had to fit four "eggs" and a bird sitting on it), the kids walked around to see what each other built.  They also did some follow up documentation in writing and on Seesaw!

Examples of natural materials used:

  • moss
  • leaves
  • grass
  • twigs
  • flowers

Examples of man-made materials used:
  • leis with the flowers pulled off
  • paper or plastic plate
  • glue
  • pencils
  • tape
  • construction paper
  • cups
  • styrofoam balls
 HERE is the link to the Seesaw entry created by one of the students pictured below.
       STEM Challenge: Build a bird nest to hold a mommy bird and four "eggs"

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