Guessing Jar: Revamp & Differentiate Your Activities!! (FREEBIES INCLUDED!)

   I was *absolutely inspired* one year when on the hunt to update my Guessing Jar activities. I hope these activities inspire you too! I've used the Guessing Jar activity since I started teaching in 2003, and every year there seems to be a new trinket or two that is added to what the kids decide to bring. It makes for a fun share too!

    In second grade it is so critical to revisit skills learned as well as continue to integrate the current unit of study. For example, the Guessing Jar activities include reviewing place value but focus on the main unit we are studying.

    How we carry out the activity: After making guesses on little sticky notes, the student who brings the Guessing Jar that week collects the sticky notes from the students. They then put the sticky notes on the board in order from least to greatest. We can then analyze the number line and it serves as a wonderful tool for me to evaluate their number sense. Ways we analyze the number line include using terms such as mean, median, and mode as well as place value practice ("How many numbers have a 3 in the tens place?"). After we've reviewed the number line created, the student gives the big reveal for how many items were in the jar! We fill in the numbers according to amount the student brought in the Guessing Jar.  Then for the extra place value digits, we fill in with other digits not already used. Also important is to include the "obnoxious" comma! It is critical that students get practice with where the comma is placed in a series of numbers and why. 

    With the numbers in the place value section, we do an example problem together then the students MAKE THEIR OWN problems within the parameters of the directions! DIFFERENTIATION! 😎 The beautiful thing to see is when they challenge themselves or feel confident about a concept on whatever level they're working. I have some students who would "go for the gold" and create and work even more problems than expected! Students still needing review and reinforcement can work in a small group with a teacher, especially if manipulatives are needed. The Guessing Jar can also be used for formal and informal assessment! There are assessment trackers INCLUDED in the bundle along with TWO other Bonus Resources!

Click HERE or the pic below to preview the HUGE BUNDLE!

The following units are included in the bundle:

Click HERE or the picture below for A SET of FREEBIES!

Below is an example from the Geometry & Fractions set!

     I hope this post inspires your students and YOU!  Please feel free to email me or post below with any questions!


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